
There are two options to deploy Mercury. The first one is to use internal Django server. It is easy option and can be used for simple apps/demos. The second option is to use docker-compose.

Deploy with run command

The prefered option for Heroku deployment. You deploy the Mercury with command:

mercury run

In Heroku you need to add Procfile file with the command instruction for web dyno:

web: mercury run$PORT

Please remember to add the above Procfile to the GitHub repository.

Required packages

Before deployement, you need to add requrements.txt file with needed packages to the repository.

Deploy with docker-compose

There is defined docker-compose.yml and Dockerfiles in docker directory in the Mercury repository.

To build the containers:

docker-compose build

To run containers in detached mode:

docker-compose up -d

To stop containers:

docker-compose stop

The docker-compose version is using nginx server.

Deploy with docker-compose with Pro features

Please specify your GitHub personal access token in the .env file to enable Pro features.

To build containers:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-pro.yml build

To run containers in the detached mode:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-pro.yml up -d

To stop containers:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-pro.yml stop