Deploy on Heroku

You can find an example repository at GitHub and demo app running on Heroku.

Mercury Demo App

Setup GitHub repository

Please create a new GitHub repository for your project and clone it to your machine.

git clone

Setup Heroku account and CLI

In this guide, we assume that you have a Heroku account and Heroku CLI.

  • Heroku signup page
  • Heroku command-line interface (CLI) installation docs

In this guide, we will use free dyno.

Please go to your project's directory and login to Heroku:

heroku login

Then, please create a new Heroku app:

heroku create mercury-simple-demo

You can also run heroku create and the Heroku service will create some random name for you. You can open your web app by running:

heroku open

Prepare the notebook

The first step is to install Mercury:

pip install -U mljar-mercury

Please create the requirements.txt file and add there the mljar-mercury package and all packages needed by your notebooks (you can add several notebooks to Mercury).

The next step is to create a YAML config in your notebook (docs about YAML construction). Use the following command to run the app in the Mercury:

mercury watch <path_to_your_notebook>

The Mercury is running locally at

Deploy to Heroku

Before deployment, we will need to create Procfile that will tell Heroku how to run Mercury. It will have one line:

web: mercury run$PORT

In the Procfile we start the Mercury worker in the background and serve Django. Please add the Procfile to the GitHub repository:

git add Procfile
git commit -am "add heroku procfile"
git push

We are ready to deploy to Heroku. It can be done with:

git push heroku main

After that, you should be able to see the Mercury running your notebooks as apps. :)

Update notebook

If you want to update something, just edit your notebook and save it. Then commit updates to the git and you can deploy to Heroku again.

# after updates
git commit -am "save my important changes"
# push to GitHub
git push
# deploy to Heroku
git push heroku main